Minor bug fixes and Improvements


  • Dash cooldown has been removed, so you can now chain dashes together, but be reminded that it will use up your manna.

Bug fixes:

  • Music was stuttering on scene transition.
    • Solution: give the music enough time to fade out before loading the new scene
  • Floating arrows in the giant slime monsters (see screenshot):
    • Context: The giant slimes were scaled up by 2 by their root game object. I know now that this is not a great practice in Unity. It was throwing the arrow calculations. For an object of scale (2,2,2), the local position of a child object will be double that of the absolute (world) position offset.
    • Solution: Since I don't consider the giant slimes to be broken, I just altered the sticking logic to set the absolute position of the arrow, to subtly move it into the perfect place to make it look like they've passed exactly half-way through the enemy.
  • Missing grape-splatter sound: 
    • This may have occurred during the transition over to the FMOD sound system. It has now bee re-instated.
  • If the Player character dies with the sword in-hand, they will respawn without a weapon in-hand.
    • Fixed!


PixelLandRPG WebGL V3.01.zip Play in browser
73 days ago

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